12. Do You Want to Start a Podcast or Grow Your Podcast but You Don’t Feel Like an Expert? You Need to Hear This!
Hi mama! Today we're going all in and talking about what it feels like when you want to start a podcast or grow your current show, but you don't exactly feel like an expert. I cannot count how many times I feel like this, and I know you do too.
My friend, I assure you - you don't need to feel like this. Let me take you through my personal journey and then offer you insight on how you can apply this to your own business and podcast. Ready to start that podcast?!
Links from this episode:
- CLICK HERE to grab a FREE Podcast Clarity Call (*Previously called a discovery call*)
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- CLICK HERE to get organized with your podcast and grab your FREE Ultimate Podcast Organizer
- CLICK HERE for my favorite business and podcast tools!
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Connect with Pamela:
- Website: www.pamelakrista.com
- Instagram: @pamelakrista
- Email: hello@pamelakrista.com
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