11. What Happens When You Pivot in Business and You’re Not Sure What That Means for Your Podcast? And How to Navigate That Change Without Stress
Welcome back! In today's episode, I go into a deep dive into my personal story with pivoting since I started my business. Pivoting is NORMAL in online business and actually, totally necessary for growth in my opinion!
One of the questions I got recently in my community is "I want to start a podcast, but I have a lot of ideas, and what if I pivot?" Friend...this episode was made just for you!
Episode highlights:
- Pamela's personal story with pivoting in business
- What to do when you are facing pivoting in your business and what exactly does that mean? What should you do?!
Links from this episode:
- CLICK HERE to book a strategy session to get clarity and get the next steps to your podcast growth!
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Let's Work Together:
Connect with Pamela:
- Website: www.pamelakrista.com
- Instagram: @pamelakrista
- Email: hello@pamelakrista.com
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