23. Student Spotlight: From Idea, to Execution, to Top 10% Podcast With Stacy Crown
Hi friend! Today I am interviewing another student from the Moms Who Podcast Blueprint Program! Stacy Crown from the She Is Called Podcast takes us back all the way to her idea to launching her podcast, to what it was like going through my signature program, all the way to launching her podcast!
Now with buzzing listeners and a top 10% podcast, Stacy shares why she decided to start a podcast, why she made the decision to invest, and what she's learned along the way!
Connect with Stacy:
- Website: www.thestacycrown.co
- Instagram: @thestacycrown
- Podcast: She Is Called Podcast
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Let's Work Together:
Connect with Pamela:
- Website: www.pamelakrista.com
- Instagram: @pamelakrista
- Email: hello@pamelakrista.com
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