111. Don’t Outsource Your Podcast Editing to Someone on Fiverr or Upwork! Here's What To Do Instead
Have you ever thought about hiring someone from websites like Fiverr or Upwork to edit your podcast episodes? In this episode, I'm sharing with you why exactly it may not be in your podcasts best interest to hire someone to edit your show from platforms like Fiverr and Upwork. I'm also sharing two really strong options of what you can do instead that will overall be more beneficial and valuable for your podcast!
Ready to launch your podcast? https://pamelakrista.com/podcast-launch/
Need a podcast manager (me!) to help you edit, upload and schedule your podcast episodes: https://pamelakrista.com/podcast-management
Free monthly networking calls for moms who podcast: https://pamelakrista.com/podcast-networking
Connect with Pamela:
- Website: https://www.pamelakrista.com
- Instagram: @pamelakrista
- Email: hello@pamelakrista.com